Homecoming festivities
Madison Springett, Copy Editor
October 31, 2022
Running through the banner senior Buckley Rohan (11) waves a flag at the beginning of the Homecoming game. The Falcons defeated McCluer 44-0 for their fifth win of the season.
During the Homecoming football game, junior Grant Gibson passes the ball before getting tackled by Cameron Hooks (15), Damonte Williams (48), and Al-Mani Jimerson (90) from McCluer. At the half the Falcons led the McCluer Comets 37-0.
While playing tug of war during the pep rally seniors Caelin Stegmann, Dominic Nenniger and Zach Ligget fight against the juniors.The seniors lost to the juniors after more students ran from the stands to help.
As he’s lifted by his peers freshman Cole DaVault crowd surfs at the Homecoming dance. The dance took place in the athletic field house on Oct. 1.
Senior Jakub Ruzicka is crowned Homecoming king by junior Arun Halder. Senior Annika Gable was also crowned queen during the dance.
Dodging junior Meredith Fisher, senior Abby Ulsas runs past while senior Ava Wingenbach keeps Fisher from pulling her flag. The seniors defeated the juniors 14-7 during the powderpuff game on Sept. 29.