Love Island is a reality television show on various streaming services where contestants, known as islanders, are put in a villa, without any outside connection, to find love. The show brings in surprise contestants to spice up the love life in the villa, known as bombshells. The Love Island USA show had a controversial rivalry between two islanders: Leah and Andrea. Leah, who was an original on the show, has an 89% rating among Rockwood Summit. Andrea, who was a bombshell on the show, has an overall 11% out of the 79 students who participated in the survey on the Talon’s Instagram poll..
A question that every Love Island fan asks is ‘are you team Andreah or Leah?’ Social studies teacher Rachel Rea said she’s team Leah because she was open in the villa looking for connections while Andrea stuck with the first person she found a connection with.
“I’m team Leah because Andrea should’ve been more open in the villa. She closed herself off very quickly. I don’t think that was the right decision since you’re supposed to be open to new connections. Closing yourself off isn’t the goal of the show,” Rea said.
A debatable issue in Love Island is that Leah took a “backseat” when the islanders had to make a decision on who got kicked out the villa. Sophomore Brennaeja Jackson said that Liv, another islander, was pushing and leading the conversation between all the islanders.
“Liv was the one who was making up everything, she was really the driver. Leah was just in the back with her seatbelt buckled,” Jackson said.
Andrea getting kicked out the villa caused a commotion in the show. There were many different opinions about her getting kicked out. Sophomore Tino Difranco saw both sides of Andrea getting kicked out.
“I was happy, but at the same time there were mixed emotions. I feel like she’s a great person and has her life together. Having to see her go out like that was hard, but at the same time it was definitely needed,” Difranco said.
Some fans and islanders were upset that Andrea got kicked out of the villa, while others thought she was doing too much.
While Difranco is upset about Andrea leaving the villa, Jackson thought she was too much.
“I feel like she deserved it because she does too much, and Leah’s better than her,” Jackson said.
A hot take made among fans is who, Rob (another islander), liked better, Andrea or Leah. Leah and Rob were originally coupled up. Andrea came in as a bombshell and found a connection with Rob, stealing him from Leah.
“Rob definitely liked Leah, it was so obvious the whole time. I could’ve told you that since episode one,” Difranco said.
Outside of the villa, Rob didn’t follow through with the connection he had with Andrea. She uploaded many Tiktoks about Rob which led him to lose interest.
Rob and Leah did not rekindle their relationship, Leah continued her relationship with Miguel. They were a couple in the final four.