Every year on Oct. 31st children dress up and go trick or treating, but as kids get older do they lose the Halloween spirit?
Language arts teacher, Mark Gulath says he likes to go all out for decorations which includes 15 animatronics, colored lights, gravestones, and a smoke machine.

“We put big spider webs out, we have animatronics all in the yard, we have gravestones everywhere, we put a fog machine out and we have different colored lights that are orange and green and purple.” Gulath says.
Gulath says that his 9 year old son is so excited for Halloween that every year he wants to begin planning and setting things out in August.
“My 9 year old has taken over and wants to figure out where things go in the yard, we draw diagrams.” Gulath says.
Gulath says that he believes that as kids become teenagers they lose their Halloween spirit.
“When I ask highschool students in my classes, are you guys participating in stuff for Halloween, are you going trick or treating, are you dressing up, a lot of people your age aren’t doing anything.” Gulath says.
Junior Natalie Russo says that when she was younger she enjoyed Halloween much more than she does now.
“Over time I realized that I don’t like Halloween a lot, I just find it boring.” Russo says.
Russo says that as she got older the spirit of Halloween changed for her because she doesn’t dress up with her family anymore.
“When I was younger I really enjoyed going out with my brother and my parents and trick or treating. Also it is my dad’s birthday on Halloween so that made it extra special, but now that I’ve grown up I don’t enjoy Halloween.” Russo says.
Sophomore Alaina Mujkanovic says that Halloween hasn’t changed for her and that she loves celebrating Halloween.
“The Halloween spirit may have changed for other people but I don’t think it will ever change for me and I love dressing up with my friends on Halloween.” Mujkanovic says.