Lots of people have tattoos, and most of them make sure there’s meaning behind them.
Senior Parker Trueman has two different tattoos. On his forearm is his birth date in roman numerals, which he shares with his grandpa, after his grandpa passed away to cancer. Trueman got the date on his arm as a memorial to both his grandpa and himself to remember them both.
“It’s three butterflies and I got that because when my grandma passed away she said to ‘look for her in the butterflies’ and then the three represents me and my two siblings”. Trueman said.

Trueman got the roman numeral tattoo as a sophomore and the butterfly tattoo as a junior. Trueman rates the roman numeral tattoo on his arm a 2/10 on the pain scale.
“It felt more like a cat’s scratch,” Trueman said.
The one on Trueman thigh was a “little more painful, but it was tolerable” with a rating of 6/10. Although the one on Trueman thigh is his favorite tattoo out of the two, both hold a very special meaning to Trueman.
Senior Keegn Thuet has three different tattoos that mean different things. Thuet said the tattoo that holds the most meaning to her are the numbers 831 on the back of her neck, which is a cyber term for “I love you”. 831 was Thuet and her mother’s first tattoo, one that they share together. “It represents 8 letters, three words, one meaning, I love you, and that’s my family’s version of that”.

The biggest of Thuet’s tattoos is either the flowers behind her ear, or the 831 on the back of her neck. Thuet also has a butterfly tattoo on her wrist, which she claims was the most painful “just because it’s on bone, but I don’t think the other two hurt too bad”. Thuet said.
Thuet just recently got two tattoos, and she said she is not planning on getting any more in the near future.
Science teacher Torgoley said he has one tattoo in particular that holds the most meaning to him because of how it connects him to his cousin.
“[It was] originally a tattoo of our favorite game that we used to play [Zelda] and then when [my cousin] passed away I added a bunch to it, including his [birth and death] dates and it’s a kind of symbol for him”. Torgoley said.
Torgoley said Zelda was a common interest when it came to Torgoley and his cousin; they used to play it all the time and the tattoo started as a spur of the moment idea. “I knew I wouldn’t regret that one because it’s a franchise that has been with me since I was a kid and then adding to it has made it have a lot more meaning” Torgoley said.
Torgoley has a lot of tattoos, but “they all kind of fuse together at this point” Torgoley said.
He has a really big piece on his back that took 4 or 5 sessions, but if he had to count them, he has somewhere between 8 and 10 tattoos. The Zelda tattoo is not his largest, but it does hold the biggest meaning to him and he is planning to get more in the future since it is more of a “forever growing kind of thing,” Togoley said.