A referee raises freshman Tamara Bohannan’s hand after she quickly pinned her opponent.
Freshman Myla Walker grabs the head of Union’s Kaitlyn Kuelker as she attempts to find an opening.
Freshman Kalena Gassoway looks to the referee as she pins senior CJ Sullivan of Union to the ground.
Coaches Sean Torgoley, Jon Bunyard, Kenneth Holmes, and alumna Addie Wilhelm (Class of 2022) watch on as freshman Myla Walker struggles with her opponent.
Freshman Kalena Gassoway and Union wrestler senior CJ Sullivan circle around each other, immediately following the start of their match.
Freshman Myla Walker tries to keep her balance after being charged by Union’s Kaitlyn Kuelker.
Freshman Tamara Bohannon attempts to pin Union wrestler Chloe Richardson.
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