The PLTW (Project Lead The Way) Lab Coat Ceremony is held yearly to reward students in the program for three years, this year it was held on April 26. They receive a lab coat with their name embroidered on it.
The significance of the lab coat is to reward students in the PLTW program for three years, said Laura Ney.
“The lab coat ceremony is to honor the hard work and dedication of the PLTW Biomed students as well as their commitment to the PLTW program at Summit. It is given at the end of their third year in the program and is meant to remind them of where their interest in the medical field started since many of these students will go on to study medicine,” Ney said.
Having a lab coat signifies that you’ve done three years in PLTW and pushing through the hardships of the program.
“It signifies you’ve done three years of the program. The classes aren’t easy, you have to do a lot of memorization and lab work. You go through work quickly, It’s something you earn. A lot of kids are going to medical professions that require a lab coat, so it’s nice they receive a lab coat,” Ney said.
Future lab coat receivers should stay motivated to continue in the classes, though it’s hard.
“Keep persevering through the classes even if it gets hard. Keep going because it will be worth it in the end,” Ney said.
Jack Dooley felt appreciated for his hard work by receiving a lab coat.
“It felt good [to receive the lab coat]. It’s a lot of work. It’s nice to have something to get out of it,” Dooley said.
Similarly, Sarah Lauck felt acknowledged receiving a PLTW lab coat
‘I thought it was exciting. I’ve been in the class for three years. It signified my hard work,” Lauck said.
Lauck wants to pursue a career in the medical field.
“I want to be a physician assistant and work in orthopedics,” Lauck said.
The PLTW classes give people basic information helping people pursue a career in the medical field.
“The classes help with background information, years in the program really help,” Dooley said.
“It brightens my knowledge on the medical field and different careers,” Lauck said.
The PLTW program helped Madeline Crossen choose her career path.
“I want to be a Pharmacist to provide people with their needed medication.
suham • May 1, 2024 at 4:23 pm
wow this is really good! awesome work!!!
suham • May 1, 2024 at 4:22 pm
wow this is really good! awesome work!!!