There are 91 teachers at Summit, thus creating a large pool of candidates to choose from for Teacher of the Year. This year, Summit Social Studies teacher of 22 years Greg Gilbert was named the Rockwood Summit Teacher of the Year on Feb. 22.
There are dozens of qualified teachers at Summit, and Gilbert said that he greatly appreciates the title of Rockwood Summit Teacher of the Year.
“This school is loaded with so many teachers that have so many different qualities and personalities that make each of us the best at something. To create and contribute to the culture here at Summit is what I also feel honored to be a part of,” Gilbert said.
Gilbert has taught for years alongside Social Studies teacher Angela Steele. After teaching for years, Steele said that Gilbert still carries the same eagerness and dedication that he did as a young teacher.
“Many teachers become jaded after years of teaching but Gilbert is as enthusiastic about teaching Gov, Psych, and AP Psychology as he was 18 years ago,” Steele said.
Junior Clodagh Kloos is in Gilbert’s AP Psychology class and said that even though Gilbert was up against a lot of qualified teachers, his disposition gave him an advantage.
“He was up against a lot of other great teachers, all who deserved to win, but his personality and teaching style gave him an edge,” Kloos said.
There are multiple different aspects that go into choosing a teacher to be Teacher of the Year. But, Gilbert said that his ability to relate to his students is one of his strongest attributes that helped him win Teacher of the Year.
“I think why my students perform at the level that they do because they know what they’re getting from me day in and day out. Students know that I’m genuine, passionate, strive for excellence, and perseverant through everything. I think when kids see that in a teacher, they know this guy isn’t fluff or subject to whatever some social influencer thinks,” Gilbert said.
Steele said that Gilbert is a consistent source of inspiration and support for his fellow teachers, and whenever she needs a boost of motivation, she talks to Gilbert.
“When I feel like I need a break from teaching freshmen, he gives me a pep talk full of the support and confidence I need to keep going. He is my go-to on tough situations with students and always has good advice to give me. He has a great skill of analyzing kids and situations that helps me see both sides and is always a solution-based person. It’s been an honor to teach across the hall from him these past 18 years,” Steele said.
Gilbert named Teacher of the Year
Emery Gregston, Of The Talon staff
March 13, 2024
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About the Contributors
Emery Gregston, Sports Editor
Class of 2027
Time on staff: 2 years
Favorite song/artist: Taylor Swift
Fun fact: I play on the Summit golf, basketball, and lacrosse team.
Favorite newspaper memory: The May 2024 edition where we stayed at school until 10 pm.
Mary Corkery, Editor-In-Chief
Class of 2025
Time on staff: 4 years
Favorite song/artist: Phoebe Bridgers
Fun fact: I am also a member of the KFTN Radio Station at Summit.
Favorite newspaper memory: When my old editor accidentally stole a pizza during staylates.